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Introduction to the TOEIC Course

TOEIC course is offered in many schools across Bangkok. It is a tool for measuring the employees’ abilities to use English in real-life workplace setting. In Bangkok, many huge organizations and international firms need to carry out this test in order to see the candidate’s English proficiency level. There are a number of reasons for doing this. First, the score gives the recruiter a brief overview of the education level and how well the candidate would function in an environment which may require English. Second, TOEIC score indicates the training programs that the company needs to invest. For example, candidates with high score might not need much English workshop training compared to the candidates with lower score.

Creating a training program or sending the potential employee to take an English course will cause money. To be cost efficient, companies may use the TOEIC score to select the candidates who are better qualified as this will help reduce the cost for investing in the language training workshop later on. Nowadays, many companies in Bangkok find it more efficient (in terms of cost, time, and trust) to improve the quality of their existing staffs rather than by hiring new people. Companies may offer promotion as a motivation tool. Current staffs are already familiar with the company’s culture and there is also a feeling of trust at a certain level. By offering a promotion to motivate current staffs, a company may use the language standard as their requirement for getting that promotion. On the other hand, if companies were to hire a new staff, they must put in a great deal of time to find the most suitable person in addition to training him or her. Time is money and if the company can reduce the spending on this part, they would choose to do it. Getting a good TOEIC score might not be easy for Thai people who have been using Thai language their whole life. Additional training might be needed and there are many great teachers and well-known language schools in Bangkok which can help you improve your TOEIC score.

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